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A few things you definitely need to know when using our WebSocket API.


Every message you send to the WebSocket server should follow the following format:

   "id": "{id}", // optional, for your own reference
   "action": "{action}",
   "body": { /* action-dependent body */ }

The action property is the name of the operation you want the WebSocket server to execute and the body property is an object that contains data specific to the action. You can find all available actions in the menu on the left.

The response of an operation action is always an object with an action property and a success property. The action property is the name of the action you executed and the success property is a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful. If the operation was not successful, the response will also contain an error property with a string containing the related error message.


After connecting to the websocket, you have to authenticate yourself by sending an authentication action with your API key as body, before you can do anything else. You can create an API key in the Developer section of the ConfluenceCode website.

Data Structure

There are different data streams to subscribe to and each stream emits objects of different types. Every object is sent as a JSON object. You can find a list of all available streams, with more specific information about the objects they emit, in the Streams pages, for example Streams: Trade. It is useful to know that even though every stream emits objects of different types, all objects share some common properties. These are:

    "i": "3ee64893-3ff3-5354-8b3c-56362f232b44", // A unique id of the object
    "k": "trade",                                // The event type (kind) of the object
    "e": 2,                                      // The exchange id where this trade took place
    "m": "BTC-USDT",                             // The market's unique name on the exchange
    "b": "BTC",                                  // The base asset of the market
    "c": "USDT",                                 // The quote (counter) asset of the market
    "t": 1621360800000,                          // The timestamp at which the trade took place on the specific exchange (in milliseconds)
    "d": false                                   // A boolean indicating if the market is a derivative market
    // ... other properties specific to the object type

It is also useful to know that the i property is considered to be unique for each object type. Meaning the combination of i and k is unique for any object.