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Streams: Trade

In order to subscribe to a trade stream, follow the instructions in the Action: Subscribe section.

Data Structure

    "i": "3ee64893-3ff3-5354-8b3c-56362f232b44", // A unique id of the object
    "k": "trade",                                // The event type (kind) of the object
    "e": 2,                                      // The exchange id where this trade took place
    "m": "BTC-USDT",                             // The market's unique name on the exchange
    "b": "BTC",                                  // The base asset of the market
    "c": "USDT",                                 // The quote (counter) asset of the market
    "t": 1621360800000,                          // The timestamp at which the trade took place on the specific exchange (in milliseconds)
    "d": false,                                  // A boolean indicating if the market is a derivative market
    "p": "41130.393",                            // The price at which the trade was executed (in the quote asset)
    "q": "0.010",                                // The quantity of the trade
    "s": true,                                   // A boolean indicating if the buyer was the 'market maker'
    "v": "411.30393"                             // The value of the trade in quote asset, i.e. price * quantity